Crisp: Writing Effective E-Mail, Revised Edition: Improving Your Electronic Communication by Nancy Flynn, Tom Flynn
Crisp: Writing Effective E-Mail, Revised Edition: Improving Your Electronic Communication by Nancy Flynn, Tom Flynn PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
E-mail is more prevalent today than ever before. Its instantaneous nature makes it a convenient, time-saving tool for businesses. However, it is also more important than ever to take the time to write messages that are secure as well as clear and error-free. The revised edition of Writing Effective E-Mail includes an added emphasis on how to avoid workplace disasters such as lost sales, customer-service nightmares--and in the worst cases, lawsuits and financial losses--triggered by careless or poorly written e-mail. This book will also guide you in writing a comprehensive and effective e-mail policy for your organization.From reader reviews:
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